For all you moms and dads out there who are terrified at the thought of your child developing tetanus after a rusty nail-in-foot puncture wound, and, therefore, waivering back and forth about whether or not to get that ONE vaccine --- the tetanus vaccine, let me share with you an encouraging testimony.
My husband and I, like you, had been concerned about that very decision ourselves. We declined all vaccines when our 3 yr. old was born --our older two, 13 and 16, were fully vax'd until the doctors mentioned Hep B. That is when my mission to research vaccines began (about 7 years ago). I had
already been suspicious of them due to some recurring health issues my sons were dealing with and wondering in the back of my mind if they could be vaccine related, so when the demand for the Hep B came up, I researched and, wow, my eyes were opened..... Needless to say, as many of you have also come to conclude, Hep B was out of the question and so were all other future vaccinations.
When our youngest son was born 3 years ago, we knew avoiding vaccinations would be a difficult issue to deal with at the doctor's office. Fortunately, we had acquired enough documentation and information to back up our convictions and hold our ground when the issue arose during his early infant check-ups. We simply told him, "due to these many uncertainties, we are holding off while doing further research..." We were blessed to have a semi-understanding doctor who did not harshly lecture or pressure us to relent --"or else your child will not be able to continue coming to this
practice..." as many of you have, sadly, experienced. Nevertheless, due to discerning factors giving us the sense that that strict policy could, indeed, be adopted by the practice at some future point, we decided to start looking elsewhere for a completely compliant doctor on the vaccination topic. It wasn't easy but we finally found one who was not only compliant but very sensitive and, in fact, in agreement with our concerns -- accept on the tetanus vaccine. He made strong suggestions that that ONE be considered. We held off. In my mind, I always thought if an emergency arose there would be the option of getting the tetanus immune globulin -- so why risk our child's health unnecessarily by getting a "preventative" vaccine full of all kinds of toxic substances when he could go through life and never experience a puncture wound warranting any concern. Well, to make a long story short. Our poor son did step on a rusty nail 2 weeks ago today -- one of those nightmarish situations we non-vaxers hope to never encounter. It was a very stressful day for us as parents -- our son got over it within an hour:-) -- but we were still faced with a major decision "what to do -- go to the emergency room.... get the shot.... take our chances..... what? We decided after much thought, prayer and a research refreshment regarding the timeline showing tetanus decline coinciding with the introduction of antibiotics and practice of good sanitation and wound management skills, that our course of action would be to do the same: administer the best wound management we could through 1) an initial cleansing and rinsing of the wound with peroxide, followed by, 2) foot soakings three times a day in a warm salty water & peroxide solution (for about 20 minutes), 3) allowing the foot to be dried and exposed to air for a while (naptime) and then, when the child was up and about, dressing the wound with neosporin & band-aide, 4) increasing his vit. C intake and , 5) placing him on a course of antibiotics. The doctor, although first suggesting strongly the dt vaccine (he did not have immune globulin or tetanus toxoid at his practice) agreed to follow our request to opt for only antibiotics and careful wound management. Many of you, I'm well aware, would frown on the use of antibiotics at anytime. That is fine. We somewhat share that conviction, but believe they do have their place of benefit in rare occasions of such dangerous bacterial threats as tetanus. So, here we are at the 14th day now; there have been no signs of disease and the wound is completely healed (tetanus usually shows up between 8 and 14 days after injury, The earlier its symptoms develop the stronger the case and higher the chance of death). I just had to pass on the encouraging first hand knowledge that episodes with rusty nails do not automatically
mean the end of the world!!
Although, I believe antibiotics COULD have played a part in the resistance of tetanus development, who knows? maybe there was not even tetanus present --as we are all lead to believe about rusty nails.... maybe it was just the initial cleansing of the wound that prevented it.... maybe the warm soakings..... ???
Regardless of what was responsible for the healing, I believe, first and foremost, ULTIMATE praise belongs to God for his amazingly created immune system!! It is incomprehendible how this complex yet so completely organized system beautifully works together protecting us everyday in ways we are never even aware. Though we are all certainly free and encouraged to believe as we wish, it is hard for me to understand those who say the human body developed over a long period of time through chance and through mutation. One look at a complex system like this one (one of many, many others all dependent upon each other and working together in sync) declares loudly that there HAS to be a DESIGNER! I would like to praise Him today for the insight and wisdom He has granted us these last few years regarding these things- opening our eyes to the Truth that He is the only one able to be fully believed and trusted -- and for allowing us to discover this wonderfully informative board which has played a heavy role in the resulting confidence of our decision. On this, the Lord's Day, may each of you be especially blessed and encouraged as you continue on your difficult journey of living and parenting.